“Dreams Come True"
Looking out through the top of the window I spy my mom getting into the car, I focus on the top of her head realizing that her hair looked reddish and shiny with a touch of gold seeming that the sun was making her highlights stand out. I walked outside catching up to her when she was walking into the car, I told her that we didn't have to go today, knowing that she had came out of her first job and she had to rest.
"Ama let's just go on the weekend so you can rest, yeah?" I spoke softly, seeing her crumbled up in her seat wanting to get comfortable.
"No that's okay I promised you that we were getting your Quinceanera dress today and we are going. A promise is a promise, okay?" she replied sounding firm as she said the last part.
"Orale pues ama."
She then started the car with a quick silence making the moment feel awkward only hearing the sound of keys clinging together against each other. As I looked through the rear mirror I saw the veins in her pupil’s red and tired with bags under her eyes without any sleep.
She had always put her children first and made time for them but didn't have enough left for herself. Sometimes I thought about how she never got to do the things I did or have the things that I had but she is a strong woman who works to give her children the things that she and my dad never had.
When we were getting out of the last store, I looked at another store that was right next door, surprisingly I gasped to the appearance of the most beautiful Quinceanera dress that I had always imagined. I ran to get my mom's hand dragging her all the way inside the store wanting her to have the same reaction as I did when I saw the dress.
"That's the one," I blurted out.
"Oh my god, it's amazingly beautiful, yup that's the one." she said bringing her eyes to sparkle with the shine in the beads.
It was the perfect tone of color, green with a texture of gold mixed into it making it glow bright as the colors of a tree. It was impressingly poofy and sparkling having a corset designed with all these silver beads coming together to form beautiful little flowers, sparkling to the touch of light. At the center of the corset there was a thin piece of fabric that was bright green with only four diamonds in the middle making the dress come together being perfect, as I always imagined.
When we were sealing the deal with the story lady she had very big glasses and it was strange that she had measuring tape around her neck ever since we came in. After that I knew she had to measure my sizes and somehow she knew from the beginning that I was going to get the dress already. At that time I had realized that I was going to wear the most beautiful dress on my Quinceanera day, and this was all thanks to my mom. When I heard the store lady say,
"It's all yours, sold." I couldn't make my ears translate the words so that I could realize it was really true.
The first thing that I did was go over to my mom and give her the biggest hug ever. It was so warm and reliving to have all this happiness land into her arms as appreciation. I stood looking back at her with silence; suddenly she broke the silence saying that if this made me happy it made her happy.
"I am so thankful for you working so hard to make me this dream a reality." I said, comforting myself in her arms.
"Karina, even though I didn't have a Quinceanera it makes me happy that with you having one, everyone's dreams come true." she said radiantly having a big smile.
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