My name is Juan and my role here at this Farmers Market is selling fresh vegtables at really low prices.
Why do you choose to shop here at the market?
Because I really like it here.
When did you first start coming here?
Like three years ago.
Do you garden at home? Why or why not?
Yes, I do garden at my house since I grow most of my products there, which I think are very healthy.
What would be your advice to get others to do what you do?
My advice to them is that they should really come and do what we do since the food is really good and healthy, and also because there isn't any harmful chemicals that grow with the product.
The thing that struck me from seeing this location is that it looked very different from other grocery stores. It was out doors and very peaceful with many visitors, and also they let you try out their food before you buy it. This was very different from my perspective that I thought about, I thought it was going to be bigger but I can understand that many people can't afford very fresh foods.
The items that were cheaper were the vegetables and all the greens. But the ones that were more expensive were the strawberries, which I didn't expect.
I honestly think I will go more often to a farmers market because of all the fresh vegetables and even though I don't like strawberries that much, they looked so good and fresh at the farmers market.
These locations fit in to the questions because people now in days don't want to live sustainably because it's expensive and sometimes because they don't care. It also fits into the part where I could convince people to start going to places that sell organic foods because I just have to show them and explain how it all works, and then they will know that it's worth it.
I like how you explained your perspective on the farmers market and mentioned why other people don't go. What made me think was how the people that sell there at the farmers market do that and care about the healthiness of the food and others don't. I think what is going on is that many people don't really even know how the food they buy at a farmers market is better than from the food at the grocery store. The people that sell and work at the farmers market should some way have more people know about these things
ReplyDeleteI really liked it how you didn't just say that there were more and less expensive foods, but that you were surprised about which ones were and weren't. I made me think when you said that the strawberries are more expensive than the veggies, because I always thought that the veggies would be more too.
During your interview, you asked if he had his own garden at home, how do you feel about having a garden at home, and when you went to the store, how did it make you feel?
I Like the way you gave us a a lot of information that we need to know from a farmers market person.
ReplyDeleteThat's true if Juan sell good and fresh vegetables at really low prices he would make enough money and people would like to come over and buy his fresh vegetables.I like the way you focus in you interview and you were on task good job. :)
I really thought it was cool how you are going to be visiting farmers markets later on. They're really a fun place to go, and you can actually make some cool friends there.
ReplyDeleteI thought the guy who you interviewed was interesting. From the responses, he sounded like he was around our age. Was he?
Overall, great job! Keep up the good work!
I like how you wrote all the answers to the questions and the entire conversation. I also like how you told us what types of things were less expensive and which were more expensive when you said when you said "The items that were cheaper were the vegetables and all the greens. But the ones that were more expensive were the strawberries, which I didn't expect."
ReplyDeleteI really liked your interview. You asked really asked really good questions. I also thought that the farmers market looked really different from other grocery stores. I also noticed that the vegetables were cheaper. I thought it was nice what Juan said that "my role here at this Farmers Market is selling fresh vegetables at really low prices" because if the vegetables are at low prices then everyone is going to like going to farmers markets more often. Great Job :)